/** Copyright (C) 2013 František Kučera (frantovo.cz). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". */ stena = 1.4; vyska = 10; vnejsiPrumer = 40; // velikost kola prumerOsy = 6.9; // průměr díry module paprsek() { translate([prumerOsy/2,-stena/2,-vyska/2]) { cube([vnejsiPrumer/2 - prumerOsy/2 - 1,stena,vyska]); } } difference() { cylinder(r = vnejsiPrumer/2, h = vyska, center = true); cylinder(r = vnejsiPrumer/2 - stena, h = vyska+1, center = true); translate([(vnejsiPrumer+stena)/2,(vnejsiPrumer+stena)/2,0]) { cube(vnejsiPrumer,vnejsiPrumer,vyska+1, center=true); // Pac-Man !!! } } difference() { cylinder(r = prumerOsy/2 + stena, h = vyska, center = true); cylinder(r = prumerOsy/2, h = vyska+1, center = true); } rotate(a=[0, 0, 0]) paprsek(); rotate(a=[0, 0, 90]) paprsek();